
Cycling: Who still cares about "The Armstrong Lie"?!

Today the trailer of a new documentary about Lance Armstrong was released. Lance Armstrong would "open up" in this documentary and reveal the truth about his Tour victories. But who cares?! I think most people are getting enough of all this Armstrong show. I sure am! Lance cheated, got caught years after and he confessed. Isn't it time to let it go and just move on?

I always supported Lance Armstrong and I still do. And for me, Lance has been punished enough. He doesn't need some movies about his life. This documentary is just the start because Hollywood is producing several more movies about him. Don't think the movie makers will put up a nice image of him. Of course not, they will focus on the liar, the bully and the arrogant cheater he was. The movies will be full of scenes where we see Lance doping himself and being an absolute jerk! That's the easy way for the producers. It's much easier to just see the "bad side" of Lance and to see all the things he did wrong. But only few people will still see ( and remember) the good things Lance did. Starting Livestrong to name one. And I'm pretty sure no movie will focuss on the good things. Too bad... That's why this documentaries and movies annoy me, because it isn't the truth either! It is only the negative side about the truth.

On top of that, people are saying Lance destroyed cycling and that cyclists now suffer from the "Armstrong heritage". Maybe that's true. Maybe we can't believe cyclists anymore, we can't believe that they can get these extraordinary results AND be clean. And maybe that is Lance Armstrong's fault. Or maybe we're just blaiming Armstrong for everything. I think it's time to leave Lance Armstrong in the past. Cycling moved on and so should everyone else. I'm not saying Lance should be forgotten, no,  I'm just saying we should close the chapter of Lance Armstrong.

Catya Leroux

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